You Can Not Die! Find Out Why!

Peter Bellar Mamza
3 min readNov 19, 2021


It is believed by many that;

Souls cannot be slain even if the body is slain.The soul is neither born, nor does it ever die, nor having once existed, does it ever cease to be. The soul is without birth, eternal, immortal, and ageless. It is not destroyed when the body is destroyed. Just as the embodied soul continuously passes from childhood to youth to old age, similarly, at the time of death, the soul passes into another body. As a person sheds worn-out garments and wears new ones, likewise, at the time of death, the soul casts off its worn-out body and enters a new one.

These are very important lines that forms the basic principles behind reincarnation. Reincarnation is therefore, the transmigration of the soul from one body to another.

When soul reincarnate, some remember their pass lives memories. I have read about people recalling their pass life with the help of a professional. Those story are touching and interesting. They seems pretty much like science fiction.

Pass life regression is associated with incarnation. This suggests that you once lived somewhere in other or the same world you are living in now. But all your memories are not accessible to you in your present life without the help of a professional.

Asking how real is this pass life regression is got me a lot of answers from even professionals who help others recalled their pass life experiences and memories.

Ronald Rozzi has this to say in response to my questions on pass life regression

I’ve conducted hundreds of past-life regressions when I was in practice and people came for one of two reasons. To explore the possibility of a past-life because they either believed or somewhat believed and needed to experience it or they had legitimate issues that they needed to be resolved and found that the origin of the issue came as a result of a spontaneous past-life under hypnosis.

In either case the majority of my clients, at least 80% felt very connected to the storyline that was coming out and usually with emotion in most cases and as they later shared, wasn’t anything that they ever even thought about consciously to their recollection. I will say however many individuals always said that it felt like they were making it up but the other side of the coin is that the ones who had issues that were impacting their lives all ended up admitted to being released from them and having a sense of clarity and peace. And to top it off pretty much everyone who had a vivid experience admitted to no longer having a fear of death as they had just gone through a death experience and still found themselves alive here now.

As far as I was concerned at the time it didn’t matter whether they believed it was real or not, they felt better and it expanded their awareness of “what if”.

As far as what we call doesn’t exist anyway. This experience we are having now is all an illusion anyway as we are all spiritual being exploring and expanding through human experiences of which we orchestrate prior to what we call “birth”. The true essence of who we really are is conscious intelligent energy that is God expressing itself through us in a physical density and from unlimited perspectives. There’s a plan and a purpose behind it all and everything you do and experience is timely and your essence has experienced probably thousands of “past-lives”, some here on earth, others elsewhere depending upon what you needed for your soul expansion.

Can any of this be proven? Nope. Proof is for the 3rd dimension only. When you become awakened to who you really are, you don’t just believe it, you know it. It’s all bigger that we have the ability to logically process, but it’s pretty awesome.

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